Friday, January 11, 2008

Thing #16

Editing a wiki was super easy. If you know how to click the edit button and type, you can do it. I didn't go as far as uploading pictures or documents, but I feel it would be just as easy.

At school I would like to create a wiki for the students to have an avenue to suggest what should happen at our school, library, or classes. This might encourage students to have a voice. I know that this wiki would need to be heavily monitored to weed out any inappropriate material, but the school and administration might be surprised at what the students would suggest. Perhaps if the students felt like their thoughts and voices are being considered, some of the discipline problems might fix themsleves.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I think they might give more thougtful answers in class discussions too if they could keep their identity secret. I'm sure some students hold back in discussions thinking what they have to say isn't "smart enough".