Friday, January 11, 2008

Thing #12

Thing 12 was a harder task for me. I generally do not spend a lot of time on social networks. I would rather meet friends face to face and spend a good time with them that way. But I did learn a lot.

I think as educators it's important to know about social networking because it is what our students know and are passionate about. This knowledge lets us get into their heads a little and hopefull it will make our instruction better. It also helps us let our students know that we are someowhat human and personable if we can share thoughts about our Myspace. Somehow they think we are "cooler" if we know what they know!

This can be a very time consuming thing for anyone. You could spend hours creating your space or network. I want to know how anyone gets anything done with all the neat gadgets you can use on these sites. I also realized just when I thought I was getting the hang of some of these new things....I am humbled by what I don't know.

As I was working on Myspace and Ning, I found that I had to spend a lot of time just exploring all the features before I could begin to think about using some of them. This took a lot of time. I liked that after I explored MySpace, I could use alot of that knowledge of how things worked in Ning.

All in all, I'm not sure how often I will get on Myspace and update, but it is good to know what it is all about. Oh is my Plain Jane Myspace site:

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